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  • Charlotte
  • Profile picture of Charlotte


    3 years, 7 months ago

    Hi, I have a question for anyone that can answer.
    I’m married to a man who does not worship or believe that Yeshua came to set us from by keeping all that the Father established. I still believe I need to obey him because he is my husband, and Yah established the husband over the wife, but what about doing things that can draw me more into the world like watching TV. The good thing is that my husband has been supportive in not asking me to watch things I feel are not appropriate and that is anything with blood, gore, killing, bad language, sex, sexual content. I pretty much will not watch most that’s on TV today. My husband for some reason thinks this is a good way to spend time together. Would it be ok to refuse to watch any TV with him? Thank you in advance for your input.

    • Speaking of Unlearn the Lies, I believe Lex discussed what you are going thru on one of the episodes. I can’t remember which one, but maybe someone will remember which episode it was.

    • MandyO, thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate it. Blessings to you through our Father and in Yeshua’s holy name.