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Eli AwwadOffline

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    Eli Awwad

    3 years, 4 months ago

    O You Highest One, i know Your Name is YHWH, i know Your Works, You are the One who sit above all, the Artist creator of the paint and the paint didn’t knew, O You Highest One, Your thrown is full from everlasting to everlasting, O You Highest One, infront of You am a child, You warned me to keep Your Right Hand, but my eyes blink and i fall, O You Highest One, you showed me myself running and screaming saying, (i wont give up on You O Lord) but i ask You, who’s the fool to give up on You? You who didn’t gave up on us, who is the man to live without holding Your Right hand? who is the man to know Your Works and yet give up on You? You who gave us Your only begotten Son to take our sins, how great You are, for You made everyone hears me loves me when i talk about You, O You Highest One hear me O Lord, i sin at night and pray to You in the morning, i pray in Your Son Name, i feel like a potion walking, i taste like honey but it’s dark, i begin to scared saying Your Holly Name from this mouth, i talked about sin but i saw my self, i look at human how they get old how they get sick, i saw them diying, i look at the trees at the animals, i look close at the ants how they work, i bring air to the ants and they got scared, they got scared they left there food behind, they run and wont forget there shelter, but when the air is gone they go back to work again, and i saw how they couldn’t see where the wind is coming from, and where the air comes from, i look with my eyes, and i saw my self, running in the storm with no shelter, screaming, i wont give up on You O Lord, the Lord of The Armies is with me, The God of Jacob is my refuge, my feet like the trees in the ground, i wont bow to the wind no matter how hard the air, i will always look up to You O Highest One, i wont give up on You O Lord