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    Michael Haynes

    11 months, 4 weeks ago

    This is a little different start I have a joke I remmber I want to share I thought it was kinnda cute when I heard it There is a man his whole house was flooded up to the roof And he said Im not scared God gonna save me then up comes 2 men in a boat said hurry up jump on the water is riseing he said nope Gods gonna saave me they just looked at him and went on a little later they water was at his boots and there came a man and his wife and yelled get on the boat the river burst and took our home he said nope Gods gonna save me finally the water was at his ankles at the top of his house and heard a loud noise it was a hellicopter the men yelled grab the line we were told to come and get you he said nope Gods gonna save me and wouldnt take the line so the man did finally drown then he was before God at judgement and the man said I told them God that you were gonna save me? God said I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter what are you talking about? Kinnda corney but now a days Ill take corney over the crazy.