Love god everyday not just one day or just on another but everyday remember the law that was given to us don’t turn to the right or left but day and and night live in love that is given and understanding will come and comfort and grace will come to you and steady your head and hands.Because god does not lie and he he will repay each according to…Read More
My study from Last sabbath 2Kings 14-16
Never lose sight of the end goal or be weak Love God with all your mind heart and soul that he might show us when we er in life and give us the understanding we need to endure this world.Do not give up or give in least the evil one or through another might steal our crown from us.or least we be tempted by man or in action that the devil might…Read More
Do not conform to the traditions of man and the commandments of men but conform to the love and understanding that God has given us and taught to us.So that when we walk down the path of life when it ends we can say we walked as straight as we could and fought the good fight when our race is run and our fight is done.Our Lord can say you have done…Read More
why? do as the heathen do.??? only do what god has commanded to do will I do.
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