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Lorelei LaFleurOffline

  • WhiteStone42
  • Profile picture of Lorelei LaFleur

    Lorelei LaFleur

    3 years, 4 months ago

    Hello, Grafted Church – I have a question about baptism – does Grafted believe that in order to receive the Holy Spirit, one must have the laying on of hands, in addition to being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with someone about this. Lorelei LaFleur 513-255-6106 – Please state topic if you text, I get lots of SPAM. I would like to be baptized ASAP and wonder if can do it now, here, in a random church. I know God can do anything, but it seems if hands are req’d, Spirit should be true! I am in Ohio.